Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some funny random pictures from this past week and weekend

He always climbs in this drawer and then bails out it's hilarious!

Crazy Hair!

Strolling for the cure

Hey everyone..I have a friend whos mom is a breast cancer survivor and I am going to be partaking in a walk for the cure only I will be strolling for the cure!! Decorating our stroller up in pink stuff and walking our little butts 5 miles to help fight breast cancer! The event is April 19th here in Spokane, WA and the link to it is:

I am excited and plan on registering this weekend!! it's $25 and you get a shirt and then $5 for each stollering kid and they get a shirt too!!
In other news..I finished the twilight series :sigh: and I am going to go check out the shopaholic series this weekend (fingers crossed)..I am missing the beautiful sunshine and want to get out and take pictures...arg..I gotta build my portfolio!

OH..so I am going to get my hair done hopefully this weekend and here is how I think I might get my hair cut..and re highlighted WHAT do you think?
Haircut idea
Highlight idea

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday...

Yes 22 years ago today I was born in Jamestown, ND..lol yeah I said North Dakota and I live here in Washington! I am hanging out at home today enjoying one week left of spring break before Spring quarter starts..I am excited but dreading it all the same..I have been reading book 4 now for the past 3 days..also dreading finishing it..lol. But I will end of finishing it today probably..I am anxious to get out in the nice weather and take pictures. I am trying to decorate a couple blank walls in our apartment one with a wall collage of b&w's and the other with random shots from around town that we like to visit. So I hope I get my camera soooooonnn..I am so anxious for that as well. Well this weekend went by fast like it always does and I didn't do anything special..Have a great monday I will blog ya later ;)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Simply Sunday

So I am on the 4th book of the twilight series and I am not reading it as eagerly as the other ones..I want to make this one last SAD...but I am also excited to go check out the shopaholic series so that gives me something to look forward to. Today my soon to be sister in law is taking me out to lunch as a bday present..My birthday is tomorrow..and I am excited because I love Red Robin !!! Other then that Zack is sick and hasn't left the couch at all this morning and I have to keep checking to make sure he is alive...I am in my jammies and need to get dressed. I start babysitting tomorrow so that will be nice the little boy is 4 days older then Boone so he will have a friend to play with. Lastly I start school in a week...yay..I can't wait to get in on my photography class..plus I get my camera in 2 weeks YESSSSSSSSSSS...

Let me know your simply Sunday plans...whether they are busy, hectic or relaxing..

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Twilight update

I am on book 4 now..started it last night..I finished book 3 in one day..I am totally hooked but I am sad to finish it because then what??? I have decided to move to the shopaholic series I hope those are as attention catching! Well off to read will update later!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fix it friday

I am partaking in I Heart Faces/ Fix it Fridays where they give you an image and you edit it. I think it's a lot of fun to touch up and mess around with a photo trying to create something new.


I messed around in Picasa and lighten it up and then I went to picnik and whitened her teeth a little..

I have lightroom 30 day trial right now till I buy it next week but I need to learn how to use it lol..


So I am pretty sure I have an ear infection...and something wrong with my head..it hurts on the side and I can't pinpoint the area but it throbs and my ears hurt deep down inside..(hard to explain). I have no motivation to even get dressed or anything..and I am tired! On top of that my nose is stuffed up so I can't breath and..I AM SO SICK OF BEING SICK...thought I would emphasis how I felt..

On a better note. I am on book 3 yes you heard me right, I finished book 2 in one day..addicted I know...so I have something to keep me occupied while couch resting..I hope I feel better my head feels like it's going to explode!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ants be gone~!

Well I have seen 2 ants in the past 3 days...yay...I sprayed the crap out of all the corners or the house and set out 8 ant traps!!! Keep your fingers crossed cause I almost lost it the other day! On a happier note I am halfway through the second book "new moon" and I love it..I started it 20 mins before bed last night and have been reading it all morning.. I think I am getting what Zack had so I haven't been feeling real good...what a better way to spend it but reading and putting puzzle upon puzzle together with your son! Any who..I might try and go for a walk later it is simply "spectacular"! Well get out and enjoy the the sun..and if you haven't read the twilight series yet...READ IT

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good afternoon..

I am currently on day 4 of no soda for a week my #48 on my 101 list! I am also doing #58 and have 27 days to go on that..and along with that I am also doing #32 and well have 361 days left :..Thought I would update you on my progress..

#70 I do everyday but I put it on the list to keep reminding me...hey you need to make sure to state you love your men!

#36 I start on April 6th I AM SO SO excited...it's the beginning to a new life/career for me..

But I am off to finish twilight book #1...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So this is update pretty much to my post from earlier about my new love obsession!! I just got the first two twilight books to read from my fiance's cousin...I am going to be reading all day!! I watched the movie last night and I am in love..and I told my mom to get me the movie or the book series for my bday present next monday!! Ok I am outta here...

Lightroom edit 1st time

What do you think...???


So last night I watched twilight.......awwwww...is all I have to see I never thought the main guy "Rob Pattinson" was hot...that was until I basically fell in love with him in the movie..this guy is fantastic..
I can't wait to read the book now and fall in love again...I am hooked now and HAVE to watch every movie Rob is in now...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Favorite B&W entry

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A new site I joined has us posting our favorite B&W photos here is one I did real quick and thought it turned out pretty good..head over to "We Picture This" and join it's an awesome site!

Vent!! (cussing...you have been warned)

OK seriously I am about to rip someone a new asshole! We had new neighbors move in last week next to us and they thought it would be real fucking cool to move in at 10:00 pm at night..and were loud and yelling...grrr...needless to say Boone got woke up..well guess what today some frigging old people are moving in below us and I put Boone (tried to) down for a nap at 1:30 and he kept getting woke up and could never get fully asleep!!! Well I just NOW got him to sleep grrr...frustrated and pissed because I hate living in a damn apartment. No one has the decency to be quiet..I get so pissed...ON top of that...we have ants...not small sugar ants but big ones..and not a tone but at least 10-15 a day I have to kill....I HATE BUGS anyone who knows me knows I fucking hate bugs...and Zack keeps saying I don't want to hear there's nothing I can do..we can't bomb it cause we are here and we can't spray everywhere cause we are here!!! So until we can be gone for a day then we have to deal with it..and now Boone is up again what was that 5 mins...I am losing my damn mind...this is suppose to me my time to unwind...seriously if I see another damn ant....I'm going to break something...I wish we could buy house right now..perfect time to do it but we just don't have the money..which is so frustrating as well..I am sick of worrying about damn money and feeling like I am spending "zacks" money and not ours..and feeling like I am not contributing...grrr...ok enough

Ok update...member how I just said if I see another ant I will freak well I just saw 10...there was 5 klumped up on my cupboard so I went and opened all of them and another couple came out of those then 3 were coming down the wall by the sink...HONESTLY come on!!!!! I do not have a dirty house what so ever..I don't get it...I am so pissed.....grrrrrrrr

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Birthday Party/Birthday Presents

Some Party guests...we had a total of 28
Everyone chatting...
This is a scrapbook Boone's Aunt and Cousin made of his first year!
Here is just an example of the inside they did a great job!
A couple more outfits...I didn't want to get them all out...
Some jammies..these aren't all of them..
Some clothes he got
My best friend made this awesome tie blanket for him.
Puzzels FUN

His new 4 wheeler ride along
Little people mega blocks
His new basketball hoop
His awesome St. Patrick Day themed birthday cake

Sleepy Sunday

So the party yesterday for Boone was a huge success..Everyone showed up and actually a few that weren't going to did..Like my mom!! I was alittle nervous to have her over but everything went really well..she just had surgery about two weeks ago but was able to make it..and I really appreciated her putting in the effort..she hadn't seen Boone since he was about 4 months old so..it was long overdue. She is going to try and come over every other weekend or something. Then eventually when I feel comfortable enough we will go visit her. She is doing good so it seems and I am surprised and happy. Boone got tons of toys, I will take some pictures tomorrow..I am dead yesterday wore me out and then I came home and cleaned the house, did the laundry, went and got dinner, then like an idiot stayed up till 1 watching point break lol...then I was back up at 7 am..so right now I SHOULD be taking a nap...so I will edit some pictures tonight from manito get those up and take some ones of his toys and get some birthday pictures up!

Hope everyone had a great weekend..I love the rain but I am over it now..Bring on the SUN!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Manito Visit....Well photoshoot

We had alot of fun out yesterday in the warm weather! I have a natural model on my hands lol..BUt you know edits to follow..I think these turned out really well..I am going to have some professionally printed for his one year pictures.. what do you think?

Also today is Boone's Bday party..I am super excited we have about 27 people showing up...yay!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I decided to do an experiment kinda like pay it forward/experience new things...

I am going to do one-hundred one things in one-thousand one days.
start: 3/20/09 end: 12/15/2011
in progress: italic / completed: bold

1. start a blog (2/2009)
2. graduate from college, finally.
3. Read the twilight series.
4. leave a sweet note in a library book.
5. buy ten gifts for people, just because.
6. send out ten letters to people, just because.
7. create a picture wall with all black and white snapshots.
8. stay off computer for a whole day.
9. Get a tattoo.
10. get a massage.
11. Give a bum some money.
12. See the rest of the harry potter movies.
13. visit a place I've never been to.
14. go to a book signing and get one signed.
15. devote a weekend to zack.
16. become a friend I would want to have.
17. buy 10 new books.
18. have zacks mustang fixed (where I hit a pole).
19. try something I have never ate before.
20. write a poem .
21. do 5 "pay it forwards" to complete strangers. (0/5)
22. make 5 new friends. (1/5) (Kim Pitts)
23. plan and throw a party for someone.
24. get an external hard drive and back up my photos and music.
25. volunteer for something/someone.
26. donate to five charities. (0/5)
27. organize finances and other important documents into a filing system and update monthly with new papers. (0/1)
28. go camping.
29. watch 50 new movies. (6/50) (Mirrors), (Role Models), (Borat), (The Women), (Yes Man), (Taken)
30. buy ink for our printer :.
31. do the dishes everyday for a week.
32. list one thing I am grateful for, everyday for a year. (0/365)
33. don’t complain about anything for 1 week. (0/7)
34. develope a better relationship with my mother.
35. choose ten new recipes and make them. (0/10)
36. take a photography class. (0/1)
37. Start going to church actively again.
38. send flowers to a friend.
40. fast for one 24 hour period.
41. dress up cute and go out for a night.
42. buy 5 pairs of shoes. (0/5)
43. start recycling.
44. Take an exotic vacation.
45. find 5 new singers/bands to adore. (0/5)
46. develop five habits to make my life more "green". (0/5)
47. stop biting my nails.
48. go one week without soda.
49. go an entire day without being negative.
50. develope a photography website for my business.
51. take a Pilate's class.
52. Go to the ocean.
53. go on a road trip.
54. write zack 10 love letters. (0/10)
55. send a care package to a soldier overseas.
56. read 5 books from the banned and challenged list.
57. get married.
58. for one month, make a daily list of five things that make me happy. (0/30)
59. buy a bookcase for my books.
60. be a vegetarian for one week.
61. buy a new couch.
62. try out five local restaurants that I've never been to. (0/5)
63. bake a cake from scratch.
64. visit a friend who lives out of town.
65. plant flowers.
66. go to the casino.
67. lose 10 pounds
68. buy an item of clothing that is not my usual style.
69. get a new hairstyle
70. tell zack and boone I love them every day.
71. take a cooking class.
72. meet and take a photo with someone famous.
73. go one week without any television.
74. attend a spokane shock game.
75. attend a seahawks game.
76. participate in a sport.
77. reconnect with a long-lost-friend.
78. participate in a walk or run charity.
79. Run a mile everyday for 6 months.
80. buy myself flowers five times. (0/5)
81. do a photoshoot for zack's mustang.
82. get a really nice camera.
83. get a gym membership.
84. be a workout fiend.
85. read one-hundred books. (0/100)
86. visit a sex shop with a friend.
87. buy a party dress.
88. go to two fancy dinners with Zack (not in our usual spots). (0/2)
89. Go without fast food for 1 month.
90. give an outrageous tip to a waiter/waitress.
91. make bread from scratch.
92. buy a really nice watch.
93. send a care package to each of my sisters. (0/2)
94. buy a new perfume.
95. subscribe to 3 magazines. (2/3) (modern brides) (Brides)
96. Have 5 dinners with my mother and mother in law. (0/10)
97. give compliments to one hundred complete strangers. (0/100)
98. meet one of my online BFF's face-to-face.
99. donate $5 for every task not completed.
100. start a new list on day 1000. (0/1)
101. celebrate completing all tasks w/ wine. (0/1)

Good Morning

Well this is the first time I am up before 7 ick..but I better get use to it..my school schedule starting in April is 7:30-8:30 class then go pick up B and come home to watch a little guy the same age as B. Then class online whenever and lastly another class from 6:30-8:30....so I am going to be busy..but it will be good for me to get out of the house...I am going to miss B though I won't get to help with baths at night..hopefully I can get him to stay up a little later and I can be there for when he goes to bed..we will have to see if I can get his schedule to change.

YAY today is the first day of SPRING!!!! YES....not sure if that is suppose to me it will be warm from now on and is required to but hey it's officially spring...meaning beautiful flowers should be out soon...and you better believe I will be out capturing those pictures!

Today it is suppose to be 58 degrees which is warm for what we have had around here so I think Boone and I might go up to manito this time and play...pictures to come later

I LOVE THIS SONG! Just alittle something to get your morning going...he..he..he

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here are some edits...

Keep in mind that this is from an older camera...so I will have some fantastic pictures in a month!! But tell me what you think so far?? would you want my services..I have a certain look to my pictures..but if you think something might look good in Black and White hit me up and tell me...

I love this weather

So little man and I went to the park again today..I needed to get some exercise/sunshine. And I thought boone could burn off some energy...here are some fun pictures I took..more to come when I get done having fun with them ha...ha...ha :)

I love this one..it looks cool..

He decided he wanted to eat some dirt the little devil

And he wouldn't keep the bark out of his mouth..

Look at his hair flying up lol...