Well once again I was able to get some sleep little man woke up twice and the second time I let him fuss back to sleep so I was in and out of sleep for like an hour listening to him cry. I then got up and forgot to make some coffee so I turned on some baby einstein for him and proceeded to finish my homework that was due today. I got everything taken care of then went and played with Boone for awhile..I decided it was time for Zack to get up so we went in to find him awake in bed...Boone then decided it was time for him to take a nap so I went and put him down. We didn't do much of anything today at all, I made nachos for dinner and got some oranges and bananas at Safeway since they were on sale. I jumped on my trampoline and burned 100 calories..Amazing little contraption...
There is alittle game boone likes to play with Daddy when he gets up to do anything. Boone will take off as fast as he can run/walk to get Zack's pepsi that he leaves on the ground where he was sitting..we have always gotten him before he can get to the pop but today zack wasn't paying attention and this is what happened...

As you can see Boone won today! Luckly we have a couple ShamWow's and were able to clean it all up. Tomorrow I get to go have coffee with my Sister in law and it's a great way to start the week I like visiting with her. Boone loves to play with his cousins too.. Maybe we could host a coffee morning or visit some monday with friends from spokanemothers.com !! Then Wednesday depending on how B feels we might go to a play date from Spokanemothers.com...I am excited to meet some new friends. I believe you need to have friends in this world people you can relate to and connect with. I need some more friends in my life!
Well hope everyone has a great week! Manic Monday tomorrow!
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